Re-working your Home

Do you find yourself wanting to re-do a room or area of your home but doing nothing about it because it feels like too much work? I do. Life is full, and time is precious. One reason to prioritize tackling this project is that it will make you feel really good afterwards! Also, it keepsContinue reading “Re-working your Home”

Spring Forward

Although spring is still many weeks away, I find myself thinking of the new life it brings: bulbs peeking out, early tree blossoms like Cherry and Magnolia. I also long for the colour…. I like to “force” springtime to come a bit early – it helps me through some of the dark (and wet) daysContinue reading “Spring Forward”

Little things

We all have our lists – things, big and little, that we want to change, upgrade or re-do around the house. In my experience, the longer the list, the harder it is to get started: it is just too much to factor into our already busy lives! What helps when I am feeling overwhelmed, isContinue reading “Little things”

Making Space

Normally, the new year is “the” time for resolutions. And usually, resolutions are changes, often significant, that we want for ourselves. Although I do reflect over the holidays about what shifts, large or small, I would like to see in my life, I have learned mostly through failure, that this time of year is anContinue reading “Making Space”

Reduce, Reuse, Refresh

Although the end of the restrictions for COVID 19 seem to be in sight, we are still mostly in a work from home situation and probably like most people, the spaces we are living and working in are getting a bit stale. There is a flurry of updating taking place which is quite understandable. However,Continue reading “Reduce, Reuse, Refresh”